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- magayo Lotto software is FREE. It is also digitally signed and 100% safe & clean. Recent Russia Gosloto 6/45 Results are shown below. For fast access to latest results and analysis you can use this link: Latest Russia Gosloto 6/45 Results If you’re looking for smart related site: picks for the 6/45 lottery, you’ve come to the right place., has analysed all previous results and has compiled the following predicted numbers. Check back after each draw has taken place, as these numbers will automatically be updated, meaning that you can always rely on a fresh smart pick for the next game. Algorithms The Russia Gosloto 6/45 is operated by CJSC TD Stoloto in the Russia Please note that the Smart Picks shown are just for fun, they are predictions based on numerical analysis of previous draws. As with all lotteries, they are games of chance and there is no way to accurately predict the numbers that will be drawn.
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However, it wasn’t long before Lotto made its first millionaire winner. Just five draws into Lotto’s lifetime, Batsirai Mupfawi won the life-changing sum of R 13,831,850 on Saturday, April 8, 2000. Mupfawi, a chauffeur who, was also studying to pass exams, had spent just R 5 on tickets and won his millions after the previous three draws had rolled over. Every year you have the chance to win 6 dream prize homes and six $200K Pay Day Lotteries. &If those winning chances aren’t enough to convince you, funds from every ticket purchased goes towards a great charity to support people with disability to live, learn and thrive. Eager for a sneak peek at the prizes you can win? "When the phone rang, I was thinking 'should I answer this call?'" he said. We are live on Facebook:Go like our facebook page: ( SA LOTTO - South Africa Lottery ) Where you can check your ticket results of Lotto, Powerball, Strike & Set for life.
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